Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tibet Autonomous Region

Lined across the homes of Tibetans, as well as spiritual grounds of worship, the Darma Banners are prayer flags that contain inscriptions with auspicious mantras and prayers. For centuries, Tibetan Buddhists plant these flags so that the blessings could travel across the wide lands by the wind.

Happiness, long life and prosperity to owners and loved ones of the prayer planter. These are what prayer flags bring. The traditional prints on the flags such as Buddhist symbols, protectors and enlightened beings, are elements of Tantric iconography. These symbolizes aspects of an enlightened mind i.e. compassion, perfect action, fearlessness and most importantly, the harmony.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mongolia (Монгол улс)

Mongolia - An empire that was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206. Well known for the goats milk tea and "mong gu bao" (yurt), we got a small taste of the nomadic lifestyle in this wide land.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Russian Posters and Comics

"When we'll admit our mistakes and won't be afraid to spend energy on that legthy and repetitive process of fixing them, we'll reach our highest peak" - Lenin

A long-time Russian advertisement, recruitment of students for a craft school and of course... spider-wolf??

Monday, November 30, 2009

4 Days on the Trans-Siberian Train

Days went by, we lived on instant noodles, splurge on the effervescence of coke, ran out at 3 mins pitt-stop for supplies... piping potatoes, a hard loaf of bread.. Reliving the Amazing Race Across the Gobi Dessert!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Russian Recommendation for Recession

How to fill your tummy and get Free Sushi !

Russian Expedition

SQ360 has the 180 degrees recline, Russian flights have 60 degrees forward incline! Liken to the older cinemas where you have to lift the seats before you can "sink" into the thinning cushions. However, with buildings that seem to be right out from Hansel and Gretel, and mink Russian hats that warms your ears, whats there not to love.

Trans-Siberian Railway - Where getting there is as fun as being there

Autumn of 2006, we embarked on a 2 week long journey onboard the longest continuous railline on earth. The Trans-Siberian Rail Expedition (Транссибирская магистраль, Транссиб) where the whole rail span 10,000km, over a third of the globe. We clattered along through Krelim in Moscow to the wide expanse of Mongolia, experiencing a taste of true Russian Borsch, gypsy cabs, to the Mongolia nomadic goat milk tea, yoghurt biscuits. The stretchs of train travel across the plains of Russia is a true testimont of getting there being no less fun then being there.

Welcome Welcome Welcome

Welcome to my blog on Exotic Travel Destinations! In this blog, I would share with you information and references on Exotic Travel Destinations.

Exotic Travel opens your world to new cultures and environments. As the saying goes:
"the world's mine oyster, which I with sword will open". With an open mind and adventurous heart, welcome to a beautiful world!